Indoor Plumbing,
I adore you from your underground pipes
that rush water to my tap—to your outgoing drains that take away my cra…
(clears throat) waste.
I love your shower when it’s
melt-the-grease-off-me hot. You are always there when I send the kids to the
pot. You help me wash my hair and scrub my pits, you even help me clear up
You only failed me now and then, like when
the kids used you as a garbage bin. We took off the toilet and cleaned out your
plumbing. (Although, your smell then was particularly numbing.)
I abandoned you when we went out camping,
but during the night I had to go tramping…away to the outhouse where creatures could
lurk, and where I could hear my business go splurt.
There was no fresh water to spruce up the
dishes, just me staring at a boatload of fishes. I scraped off their scales and
scooped out the innards, but without you the clean-up was worse than my dinner.
When we returned home, I danced in the
kitchen. I jigged in the bathroom. I garbage-disposaled some chicken. I hugged
the hot water heater. I put a bow on the flusher. I ran through the house
singing an ode to my washer. If you were a man, I would kiss you with passion,
but since you are not, I’ll keep up your fashion. From Kohler to Kraus, I’ll
update your look, so that when visitors come, they too will be hooked.
Then everyone will praise you throughout
the whole land, but always remember, I am your true, biggest fan.
Your flushing…(clears
throat) blushing love,
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