Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Beach Walking

 My family has been on vacation this week. Each morning my hubby and I have gone for a walk on the beach. Most mornings clouds have billowed along the horizon in lovely blues, grays, and whites. It was wild and beautiful, peaceful and ever-changing.

It was also healing. 

The last year and a half has been hard for everyone. There has been so much stress, so many worries. So many unknowns. All of them have piled on top of our shoulders in layers upon layers of heaviness. 

Some of that heaviness has started to lift, but much of it lingers, weighing us down.

Walking in the wet sand, I was fascinated by how the waves erased things. Sandcastles, mounds heaped up by teenagers, and even my footsteps were smoothed out and washed clean with each successive wave. 

In a way, it felt like those walks on the beach were washing away some of the layers of heaviness that clung to me like barnacles. It smoothed out and leveled so many of my stress mounds and left me refreshed and hopeful.

We are headed home in the morning. The morning walks on the beach will end, but the waves will continue washing the sand clean. I will remember my footsteps and how moving forward into the fresh morning breeze felt so right. 

I am ready to move forward. Are you? 


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